8:00-8:30 Registration
8:30-8:45 Prof. Joško Deur, Project leader, Workshop program & Project outline
8:45-9:00 Prof. Darko Kozarac, Vice Dean, Welcome and Introduction to UNIZAG-FSB
9:00-9:45 Prof. Steven Peters, Technical University Darmstadt, Germany
Current State of Automated Driving, Invited speech
9:45-10:25 Asst. Prof. Branimir Škugor, ACHIEVE Team, UNIZAG-FSB
Synthesis of Multi-dimensional Naturalistic Driving Cycles
10:25-11:05 Dr. Jakov Topić, ACHIEVE Team, dSPACE engineering, Zagreb
Prediction of Energy Consumption and Vehicle Speed
11:05-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-12:00 Dr. Dragan Šimić, Austrian Institute of Technology
Improvement and Investigation of the Requirements for Electric Vehicles by the use of innovative HVAC
12:00-12:40 Prof. Joško Deur, ACHIEVE Team, UNIZAG-FSB
Forward- and Backward-looking PHEV Modeling
12:40-13:20 Mag. Ing. Jure Soldo, ACHIEVE Team, UNIZAG-FSB
Optimal Control of PHEV
13:20-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:30 Dr. Ivan Cvok, Rimac Technology, Zagreb
Control Systems for Electric Hypercar
14:30-15:10 Asst. Prof. Branimir Škugor, ACHIEVE Team, UNIZAG-FSB
Adaptive and Model Predictive Control of PHEV
15:10-15:40 Asst. Prof. Tomislav Erdelić, ACHIEVE Team, UNIZAG-FPZ
Optimal Routing of Electric Vehicles
15:40-15:55 Prof. Joško Deur, ACHIEVE Team, UNIZAG-FSB
ACHIEVE – Lessons Learned, Outlook, and Discussions
15:55-16:00 Workshop Closure